We initiated a series of samvaad a year ago with a belief that engaging in dialogue enriches thought processes and creates a collective, collaborative and inclusive space. Continuing this sequence, we are excited to announce ‘संवाद श्रृंखला’ ४.o where we open the platform to diverse and alluring narratives on water, around the theme of Urban Water Heritage & Spirituality and we are delighted to have urban conservationists, planners, and researchers who will be sharing their experiences over three days.You have always been an enthusiastic part of our संवाद and we hope you will join us in our explorations on water and be a part of our discussions..Kindly register by clicking on the link given below or copy-paste the link in your browser (No Registration Fees):https://forms.gle/UqE5ptbUbyQRaoFy6
Day 1- 02/09/2021: ‘Sacred Architecture and Water : A Spiritual Connect’ – Ar. Rahul ChemburkarTime: 4:00 pm onwards

Day 2- 03/09/2021: ‘Waterscapes of Braj’ – Ar. Savita RajeTime: 4:00 pm onwards

Day 3- 04/09/2021: ‘Measured Memory and Constructed Imagination : The idea and practice of Indian Temple Architecture’ – Prof. S. JayachandranTime: 4:00 pm onwards